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  The thick-neck Tsugarujamisen(three stringed lute highly 
developed in Tsugaru area) demonstrates the strength like 
roaring on the ground or occasionally raged snowstorm.
  Chikuzan Takahashi was a leading expert in the 
Tsugarujamisen filed. He was born at farmhouse in Aomori 
Pref. and lost his sight caused by the measles at the age of
three. Due to proverty he couldn't go to school for blind, 
then was apprenticed to a teacher and learned how to play 
Shamisen(three stringed lute) through accompanying his 
master. Since then he accompanied on shamisen for Roukyoku(
song with special, sober intonation) by soro or with troupe 
duing his travel over Japan. During the travel he met 
Unchiku Narita and made it to the big performance in Tokyo 
and Osaka with his company. He decided to devote himself all
his life to Tugarujamisen only.
  Unchiku and Chikuzan due lasted two decads except 
interruption in the wartime and establised unique style. 
After Unchiku passed away no one could be his eaual at 
playing shamisen. 
  The movie Chikuzan Hitoritabi(Chikuzan travels alone) 
desrived the trip which he improved his skill. Eventually he
was recognized in the world. Whill Chikuzan traveled alone, 
Goze(the blind woman who earns livelihood by singing or 
playing shamisen in front of residence) usually formed group
of a few or more and performed. Both Chikuzan and Goze 
provide precious entertainment for farm villagers but their 
style and songs were naturally different.
  The Goze who remainedNiigata Pref. or Tohoku area have 
phased out because of the world war II and popuralized radio

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