Japanese [ part1 | part2 | part3 ]

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  It seems that the sign language by means of common 
communication of the people with hearing disability 
--- it is also getting admitted as the official language ---
has rapidly come into wide use,which is partly because of 
the success in World Conference of the people with hearing 
disability last year.
  We can see the evidence in the fact that the sign language
seminors runned by volanteers are well attended.
  I feel bad for enthusiastic people, but I try to look the 
fact the other way. Suppose we happen to be troubled by 
hearing difficultly, the sign language should be used more 
widely, more freely and in more various way.
  It can be used,for instance,when you are just in terrible 
noise in the city, or when you and other people are 
separated by double glass window, seeing off people leaving 
by bullet train etc, etc.
  Sound can not be transmitted in the evacuated space or in 
the sea. It seems that there are more situations that need 
to read the words with your eyes during the conversation.
  The sign berding the middle finger and the third finger 
means following words; 
 The standing little finger means "I", the key shape made 
by the fore finger and the thumb means "L"for love. The 
unfolded thumb and little finger means "Y" for you. The 
series the three letters means "I love you".
  This is a universal and enjoyable sign language. 

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