Japanese [ part1 | part2 ]

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 It was fire that differentiated definitely human beings 
from other animals. Hearths were important to keep fire and 
it served as the center of a family and a clan.
  Fireplace where people gather was also where all 
informations exchanged. It maybe understandable that people 
who watch fire without move around actively, not those 
primary working force but mostly the elderly and the 
disabled, became gradually the most informed ones.
 In due course, they made themselves as storytellers, news 
source who reorganized informaitions and delivered them. We 
can easily guess that old peple and disabled people would 
play the role. 
 Famous Hyottoko, fire puffer, was watcher of fireplace. 
 There was very small god called Sukunahiko who wore clothe
made of skin of moth. He helped Ookuninushi no mikoto to 
construct country. A god named Kuebiko, Kakashi introduced 
him to those two.
 He had only one leg and couldn't walk but was worshiped by
people saying that Even cannot wolk, he knows everything 
happens under the sky.
 For both storyteller and Kakashi, it ended up very useful 
that they remained standstill. 

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